Best Ads This Week: Ryanair, Ford, Aldi

Best Ads This Week

Ryanair, Ford, Aldi, and more.



Ad Professor here.

We’ve just had 50 people from Jaguar sign up in the last week.

Must be a coincidence.

Anyway, are you ready for some great advertising?


Ad Professor Original: Ford

Here's an ad I made for Ford...

We’ve helped multiple billion-dollar companies get their best-performing ads.

If you're spending $50K+ on advertising per month and need help...

Apply here.



Great ad: Camp Walden

🧪 Principle: The Choiceless Choice

Present parents with a no-brainer choice:

1 - Another screen but on their head

2 - The real thing



Great ad: Volvo

🧪 Principle: The Visual Metaphor

"This is your dog's weight in a crash at 100 km/h"



Social media ad: Aldi

🧪 Principle: Hijack Viral Moments

Aldi mocking the $6.2M art to promote their very affordable bananas.



Social media ad: Ryanair

🧪 Principle: Seize The Memes of Production



Great TikTok ad: Boundless

🧪 Principle: Ads That Don't Look Like Ads

Boundless Snacks setting up this life hack is genius.

This video went viral overnight for the insane travel hack and Boundless came along for the ride.

This video received 3M views.


Watch the full video here.​

"Make it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at." - Bill Burnbach



If you enjoyed this, drop me a reply with what you liked, or just send me a test tube emoji 🧪
I read every reply and it helps with my email score.


The Ad Professor


PS. Want more content? Follow me on X: @The_AdProfessor


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The Best Ads Breakdown

The best ads I've collected and the principles that made them scale.

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