Best Ads This Week: Tabasco, Nike, Surreal

Best Ads This Week

Tabasco, Nike, Surreal, and more.



The Ad Professor here.

Did you miss great advertising?

The best of this week in 3, 2, 1...


Ad Professor Original: Tabasco

Here's an ad I made for Tabasco...

We’ve helped multiple billion-dollar companies get their best-performing ads.

If you're spending $50K+ on advertising per month and need help...

Apply here.



Great ad: Nike

🧪 Principle: The U-turn Sentence

Take them down one road, and then take a hard U-turn.



Great ad: Surreal

🧪 Principle: The Final Sentence Reveal



Social media ad: Brez

🧪 Principle: The Happiness Index

The more of our product you consume, the happier you become.



Social media ad: Beava Gummies

🧪 Principle: The Hidden Benefit

Main benefit: Become fit

Hidden benefit: Get revenge on your ex


Great TikTok ad: Franco Manca

🧪 Principle: Seasonal Movie Hijacking

Watch the full video here.

"The best insights in marketing often come from testing the seemingly absurd."
- Tim Ferris



If you enjoyed this, drop me a reply with what you liked, or just send me a test tube emoji 🧪
I read every reply and it helps with my email score.


The Ad Professor


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The Best Ads Breakdown

The best ads I've collected and the principles that made them scale.

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